Confessions of a yoga grump

I have a confession to make. You see, I seem to have a problem. Sometimes, I start to frown. I get upset. In fact, I get downright cranky! It makes me feel like I'm a lot like this guy, and just as much fun to be around:

At which point my lovely partner - a truly patient soul - generally says something like "why don't you do some yoga, sweetie?"

Yes, it's true... I'm a yoga grump! By which I mean that when I don't do yoga, I get grumpy! Apparently yoga should come with a warning label: "Highly addictive. If withdrawn from yoga, the yogi may suffer from grumpiness, aches and pains, mood swings, loss of motivation, couch-potatoness, too much TV, and other symptoms of withdrawal."

The only cure: more yoga! Yoga, almost daily, morning, noon or night. 5 minutes, 50 minutes, or an hour and 50 minutes. Yep, a cup of yoga a day keeps the grumpy bear away!

Yogis, does this happen to you?