Coming full circle

When I end my yoga classes, I like to bring students out of savasana, and back into a sitting posture.  Ending the class in the same pose as they began their practice, I ask my students to take stock of their body, thoughts, and emotions, just as they did before the practice began.

An asana practice is like a journey, in so many respects. And perhaps the sweetest moment of the journey is that time, or place, when you come full circle, when you come home. When it dawns on you how much, or how little, has changed, when you can finally sit back and take stock of the roads you have travelled.  Sitting with friends and loved ones, you can laugh or cry about the times you lost your way, the mishaps you encountered, the new things you discovered that enriched your life.

So, friends, I am home.  My yoga practice has been constant, but my blogging over the past year has been patchy at best, as I have been focusing my energies on my other passion - that tricky, sticky world of development and humanitarian aid.  But I am bringing some balance back into my world and hope to be posting here more often again!

